- 18. 1. 2025, 10:05
GORILLA WITH A SORE FOOT. Ubongo the gorilla has a massive cut on his foot. But how do you treat a 400-pound gorilla with a sore foot? Very carefully it seems. The Loro Parque veterinary team put all their skills to the test to tackle a problem with very, VERY big teeth. You’ve heard of cattle farms and dairy farms - but what about a coral farm? Ester and her aquarium team take us behind the scenes of their newest attraction. But how will the public take to something that’s not as cute and cuddly as their other exhibits? Have you ever seen a sloth take a shower? Not many people have. But when it’s summertime in Tenerife, the tourists aren’t the only ones looking to cool down. Hugo the sloth will draw back the shower curtain and reveal all...albeit verrrry slowly.
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