- 20. 1. 2025, 9:10
BETWEEN THE SACRED AND THE PROFANE (CUBA). Our journey to Cuba begins in its capital city Havana, a city of architecture and sea. The sea that Ernest Hemingway loved so much, and the city that he fell in love with as soon as he saw it, so much so he decided to make his home here, today it is a museum that must be visited in his honour. A deep and profound union between men and the sea can be found in the Santeria and in Yemaya, the Dea madre of the Yoruba and of all of the Orisha, the guardian spirits of Cuba. It is the Babbalao, the person that represents the highest order of priesthood in the Santeria, who will explain to us Yemay? and the relationship that the Cubans have with the sea and underwater diving. To continue our journey between the sacred and the profane, we go along the southern coast of Cuba, to the deep waters of the Cenotes, a place that seems to be suspended between a dream and reality, where Yemay?, goddess of the sea, seems to accompany Ochun, the goddess of the freshwater rivers.
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