- 20. 1. 2025, 23:55
BUILDING. Homeowners are increasingly concerned with chemicals that could be off gassing from bedding, flooring, paint and cabinets in their own homes. Whether buying a home or renovating, energy costs are of concern to homeowners. Increasingly, energy use in the home is being tied to climate change. Is your house or condo a health hazard or ecological disaster? Ken and Jen and their new baby are moving into their first home. They meet with eco-?architect and bio-? energetic therapist Ingrid Cryns to learn about sustainable building with natural and certified organic materials. Can they afford a super clean, energy efficient dream house? David Sparkes, general contractor and TV host (HGTV “”The Unsellables”) argues that common, off-?the-?shelf renovation materials are safe and budget-? friendly. He thinks there’s a reason why you don’t commonly see eco-?alternatives to conventional building materials in stores…
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