- 22. 1. 2025, 9:40
THE EGYPTIAN DESERT ROSE. Between the sea and the desert. That’s the fine line we travel on this trip to Egypt. To the south of Hurghada, on the Red Sea, there is a desert peninsula called Soma Bay, which we’re going to explore. We start with a fun quad bike safari, that takes us towards the arid and rocky hinterland. Finally we arrive at a Bedouin village, hidden among the mountains. We then return to the coast, in order to discover Soma Bay’s other side, made up of oasis’ and luxury. There, you can enjoy every benefit from the sea. For example, in the Thalassic spa, in the quiet and relaxed atmosphere, or in the Soma Bay Kite House, where active people can enjoy kitesurf. We also want to appreciate, in the best possible way, the outstanding beauty of this sea, so we dive down into its’ depths, to be among the star fish and corals, Butterfly fish and Moray eels, sea turtles and Clown fish.
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