Puccini - Madama Butterfly
- 31. 3. 2025, 0:00
Puccini portrayed brilliantly the fragility of a geisha in love who naively believed the dashing North American marine officer also loved her. The musical score evokes agreeably harmonized traditional Japanese melodies. Despite the fiasco of the debut of Madama Butterfly in Milan, the composer stood fast in his determination to make a success of what he considered his most sincere and expressive work. The passing of time has proved him right. Mario Gas places the story in a 1930s film studio. He narrates this moving drama from three simultaneous perspectives: the opera itself, the film being made of the opera, and its projection in black and white on a large screen. The work is performed at the Teatro Real Madrid in 2017, with conductor Marco Armiliato, the orchestra and chorus of the Teatro Real Madrid and star soloists: Enkelejda Shkosa, Jorge de León, Angel Odena, Francisco Vas, Tomeu Bibilioni and Fernando Radó. (152 min)
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