Strauss - Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 13
- 31. 3. 2025, 12:37
Violinist Daniel Rowland, violist Rachel Roberts, cellist Julian Arp, and pianist Diana Ketler perform Richard Strauss’s Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 13, as part of the Stiftfestival 2016 in the Dutch village of Weerselo. In his early years, Strauss tried to compose different types of chamber music works, including a piano quartet. The young composer started writing the Piano Quartet in C minor in the spring of 1884 and completed it one year later. The work is in four movements and shows considerable influence from Johannes Brahms. It premiered on December 8, 1885 in Weimar and was performed by members of the Halír Quartet with Strauss himself playing the piano part. The following year the work won the first prize given by the Berliner Tonkünstlerverein for a piano quartet. This performance was recorded at the Stiftkerk in Weerselo, the Netherlands. (40 min)
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