Lamput IV
- 28. 3. 2025, 9:05
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Strength Potion. Tired of the daily chores at home, Lamput buys a bottle of Super-Strength potion from a roadside salesman! A happy & super-strong Lamput now wraps up his chores with extra ease! When the Docs sneak up to catch him, they get accidentally knocked out by Lamput. Finally, the Docs realize Lamput's secret! They steal the biggest bottle of Super-Strength potion and pour it all over themselves. The Docs' super-actions backfire and eventually land them in jail - all this with Lamput blissfully unaware of all that happened! (10 min)
Lamput is a gooey orange nutcase that has escaped from the asylum! Two Docs are out to get him, but the problem is they can never catch him becasue Lamput is a master of disguise!
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