Alice & Lewis II
- 29. 3. 2025, 10:05
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Snow Queen. Alice and Lewis make a "snow-woman" in the Queen’s likeness. But, miffed at not bearing a very strong resemblance to the original, she heads off to meet her model. Our two heroes are scared: their mockery is about to be discovered! But surprise surprise!: the Queen is anything but offended! In fact, she takes the snow-woman under her wing, even going so far as to appoint her her deputy! Unfortunately for Alice and Lewis, this icy substitute becomes just as moody as the Queen: now they’re going to have to do all they can to remind her who she truly is! (20 min)
In Season 2, Alice meets two newcomers to Wonderland: a generous but clumsy King (he’s everything the queen isn’t!) and Dinah, the queen’s niece, an endearing, rebellious character. Life is never boring for Alice & Lewis with these two around!
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