Alice & Lewis II
- 2. 4. 2025, 9:55
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Lewis' Shadow. Lewis’ shadow becomes detached when Alice accidentally shuts the door behind her rabbit friend a little too fast! Alice finds it super funny. Lewis, on the other hand, is freaking out: his shadow’s a bit too facetious for his liking, not to mention the fact that Queen has a rule against shadows coming off! Unfortunately, the shadow has a mind of its own and the monarch soon finds out. When Alice and Lewis get grounded because of it, the rabbit blames his shadow. But when the latter comes to their rescue, he realizes he misjudged it. In fact, he actually grows pretty fond of it in the end! (10 min)
In Season 2, Alice meets two newcomers to Wonderland: a generous but clumsy King (he’s everything the queen isn’t!) and Dinah, the queen’s niece, an endearing, rebellious character. Life is never boring for Alice & Lewis with these two around!
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