Meet the Batwheels
- 4. 4. 2025, 15:50
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Buff Tuff. In this country-inspired music video, Buff the Bat-Truck shows off his strength as he tows the bad guys out of town and lifts the spirits of his fellow Batwheels with his sensitive side, all while protecting the people (and critters) of Gotham. (10 min)
Batwheels, a preschool animated action-adventure comedy series starring the most heroic and iconic vehicles from the DC universe. They are a team of incredible crimefighters who have banded together to oppose evil, combat crime and clean up the streets of Gotham City. They are...okay, they're NOT Batman and Robin. They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside Batman, Robin, Batgirl and a host of DC Super Heroes.
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