Bruckner - Symphony No. 8
- 2. 4. 2025, 10:01
Considered by Bruckner as the artistic climax of his career, the Symphony No. 8 followed in the wake of the triumphs celebrated by his 7th Symphony and Te Deum. Yet the conductor put aside the original version of the work – which Franz Welser-Möst conducts here – when his friend the conductor Hermann Levi rejected it. The original version was first performed in 1954 and first published in 1972. Recorded live at Cleveland's Severance Hall with The Cleveland Orchestra under its Music Director Franz Welser-Möst, this performance marks the fourth instalment in the orchestra's Bruckner cycle Austrian conductor Franz Welser-Möst has been Music Director of The Cleveland Orchestra since 2002. In addition to his duties in Cleveland, Welser-Möst has been General Music Director of the Vienna State Opera. (95 min)
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