Golden Age
- 2. 4. 2025, 16:32
The Bolshoi Theatre Ballet performs Dmitri Shostakovich's "Golden Age", a ballet in two acts, choreographed by Yuri Grigorovich. The Russian choreograph, and co-librettist of this work was the soloist of the Maryinsky Theatre for 18 years and later for a short time headed its ballet. His first productions at the Kirov were «The Stone Flower» and «The Legend of Love». They marked the birth of a new choreographer, soon to be known all over the world and of a new trend that for many years determined the development of ballet in Russia. The plot to Golden Age takes place in the 1920’s, in a seaside town in the south of Soviet Russia. This was the period of the New Economic Policy (NEP) which allowed private enterprise and trade and, as a result, shady operators and petty criminals flourished. The Golden Age restaurant is their favorite haunt – here, a young dancer, Rita, who appears under the name of Mademoiselle Margot, and her partner, Jacques, originally named Yashka, leader of a local gang of bandits, entertain a mixed public of «fast livers». Helping Yashka with his ‘jobs’ are his bandit cronies and his friend, Lyuska. During the town festival and general rejoicing Boris, a young fisherman, member of the satirical agitprop theater for working youths, meets Rita. They begin to fall in love, setting of a chain of events full of intrigues and lovers on the run. Recorded 2016 at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. (103 min)
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