/ TV program


DORA (13)

  • 2. 4. 2025, 21:30


Crabby Boots / Papi's Picnic Party. Dora and Boots are playing at the beach when they meet a hermit crab named Shelly, who's missing her shell! One of Boots' boots fits perfectly, so she uses that as a shell and plans to keep it forever. Dora says they can find her old shell so Boots can have his boot back, and they set off on a journey across the beach in order to find it, passing waves of sea turtles and a sleeping Swiper on the way. With the help of Se?ora Tortuga, they're able to find the shell for Shelly! Shelly apologizes to Boots, who's just happy to see his new friend with her shell back! / Dora's family is ready for a quesadilla picnic, but they forget the ingredients! Dora and Boots will bring them over to Picnic Park, but keep meeting friends who need some food. Dora gives away all the ingredients until they're left with just tortilla and cheese. Dora feels bad that they won't get to try Papi's famous quesadillas, until all their friends show up with the dishes they made, making it the best Quesadilla Picnic ever!

DORA is back for more fantastical adventures in the magical rainforest! Join the most outstanding little kid explorer in the world, and her best friend Boots as they discover new fun and new friends; the sky is the limit! ?Vámonos!

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