/ TV program



  • 9. 4. 2024, 15:30

Legends say they are man-eaters, that even crocodiles fear them. Some say they’re the ghosts of the river, ‘demon fish’ that bring bad luck. Few people have ever been lucky enough to see one in the flesh and for angling legend Andy Coetzee, coming face to face with a Goliath Tigerfish is a lifelong dream. He will do almost anything to feed his obsession and unravel the mystery behind Africa’s Piranha! Andy has travelled the world in search of the most elusive fish on the planet. He’s obstinate, passionate and determined and when it comes to fishing, he’s been there and done it all. But one big fish still eludes him – the Goliath Tigerfish! Catching one of these legendary monsters will be the apex of his fishing career. But it’s easier said than done. The Tigerfish is rated by sport anglers as the hardest fish in the world to catch. Andy will need his lifetime of experience to succeed on this mission. And he’s ready to risk his life to fulfil his dream. His journey starts in the Okavango Delta where he’ll brave crocodile infested waters to study Tigerfish underwater. Only a handful of people have ever dived these channels but it’s one of a few Tigerfish hotspots on the planet where he can track them down in clear waters. Tigerfish have carved out their niche in some of the most inaccessible habitats on the planet and as a result very little is known about these cousins of the Piranha. Many would say that finding this elusive fish in the deepest river on the planet is almost a mission impossible, but Andy will stop at nothing to reach his goal. Traveling into the depths of the Congo is like venturing into a lost world. It’s no coincidence that it’s referred to as the ‘Heart of Darkness’ – this is the land of plagues and river pirates and Andy will have to brave them all to meet his nemesis. Even if he hooks one, there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to land it. Goliath’s are almost impossible to catch – their bony jaws and inch long teeth are impervious to most fishing tackle Andy’s epic quest plunges him into the depths of the Tigerfishes secret realm. His expertise as an angler is taunted and challenged at every cast, but every fresh failure adds to his awe and respect of these legendary monster fish.

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