/ TV program



  • 26. 4. 2024, 18:30

PHANTOMS. Seg 1 Body Transfer Illusion. The Body Transfer Illusion is the illusion of perceiving another object to be part of your body. This is best exemplified by the rubber hand experiment where in a volunteer is a shown a rubber hand while their real hand is obscured. Both the fake and real hand is subject to the same stimulus and soon the volunteer will perceive the fake hand as theirs. Seg 2 Autokinetic Effect. The Autokinetic Effect is the effect caused by subtle movements in our eyes when looking at dark environments. This causes stationary light sources to be perceived as moving even though they aren’t. Seg 3 Moon Illusion. The Moon Illusion is the illusion where the moon appears to change sizes during different periods in time when especially when it appears closer to the horizon in fact the moon’s size remains constant. This happens because we are able to compare the moon’s size with visual references like trees and buildings when it appears nearer the horizon. Seg 4 Geometric Illusions. Geometric Illusions are illusions that can literally be illustrated on paper. This type of illusions make use of geometric properties of renderings and illustration and make them appear different in terms of points, length and curvature. Seg 5 Stereoscopy. Stereoscopy is the technique where in our eyes are made to perceive two images that make up one whole image. This technique enables us perceive 3 dimensions from 2 flat image sources.

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