/ TV program



  • 9. 5. 2024, 3:00

EP. 12. The ocean can be an unforgiving place. Animals living in the sea have to deal constantly with finding food, and protecting themselves from predators. There are many ways of hiding, defending, and feeding, and every different technique has advantages for different animals. For example, some animals use camouflage to escape detection or to sneak up on their prey, while other animals have coloration which intentionally makes them stand out. Some creatures hide from predators, while others stay in groups, out in the open, relying on safety in numbers. Some animals have dangerous spines or venom for protection, but even the most venomous creatures must sometimes be wary of predators. Different animals have taken advantage of different food sources, some feeding at the top of the food chain, and others at the bottom. Protecting themselves underwater is also a matter of invention and reinvention, and aquatic animals deploy an array of strategies just to stay alive. They have quite the toolbox to dip into – Evolutionary strategms such as colour and camouflage, toxins and teeth! Nudibrancs, clown fish, squid, octopus and orca whales are just some of the wonderful winners in the underwater race of life. Underwater footage shot in the wild, demonstrates vividly how these ocean creatures have evolved to survive by adapting to their environment.

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