00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Masked Powers. Annoyed by the Lemmings' new magnetic train, Grizzy propels the whole lot of them far from the cabin. The rodents land in the neighboring hut of a sorcerer and a mysterious mask falls onto one of them, endowing him with the power of telekinesis. The Lemmings are thrilled! They return to the cabin to explore this new magic power. Perched upon pieces of furniture, they fly around the room to finish their life-size flying train game! (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Roaring Lemmings. Grizzy chases after the Lemmings, who have loaded a jar of Yummy into their remote-control driven car. Where the bear gets to the gas station, he destroys the vehicle and recovers the chocolate spread. The rodents find little mini-cars and chase Grizzy all the way back to the cabin, where they trip him up and intercept the coveted jar. Helpless, the bear sets out after them, until he runs into a tank truck filled with Yummy. (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Mini Troubles. To recover the jar of Yummy that Grizzy confiscated from them, the Lemmings decide to infest the bear's coat with fleas. The scheme works and Grizzy starts scratching himself frenetically. Nonetheless, the bear manages to counter their diversion and expulse the rodents. When they land on a sorcerer's hut, the Lemmings take possession of a magic scepter that has the ability to temporarily shrink objects. Now microscopic-sized, the rodents return to the cabin to get their paws on the chocolate spread. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

For Peanuts. Grizzy wakes up starving but the cupboards are empty. While the Lemmings play nearby with an elephant, the bear swipes their peanut reserves. Not at all pleased, the rodents decide to recover their bag of nuts and use the elephant's trunk like a powerful vacuum cleaner to hurl all sorts of objects at Grizzy. In the heat of the battle, the Lemmings discover a pack of fabulous peanut and chili pepper cookies that seem to make the pachyderm ultra-powerful. (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Within Snout's Reach. Grizzy is about to start eating the last remaining food in the cabin: cocktail snacks. But the sly Lemmings get there first. A fight breaks out but is quickly cut short by the unexpected visit of a wart hog. The pig devours the crackers and then, using his snout, detects a forgotten old package of candy under the bed, which he also proceeds to gobble down. Everyone realizes that the creature has the ability to find food. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over who will follow the beast to track down food. (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Safari Express. In order to win a trophy filled with Yummy candies, Grizzy and the Lemmings take part in a safari photo competition on an animal reserve. They must capture the portraits of a number of wild animals that live in the park. It requires all their cunning to approach the elephant, wart hog and bat and take photos for the contest. But when it comes to the super-speedy, blue-necked ostrich, it's a different kettle of fish! (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

False Children. While Grizzy organizes a picnic alongside the pond, the Lemmings steal his jar of Yummy using water balls to discreetly advance underwater. Despite their equipment, the bear surprises the Lemmings and traps the rodents inside a waterproof ball which he throws far into the distance. An ostrich mistakes the ball for her egg and sits on it, waiting for the egg to hatch. The Lemmings are adopted by this new mother who is prepared to do anything to satisfy her offspring! (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Get The Egg Home. When an egg blows down into the village, it is Mush-Mush and friends mission to return it to Mush Mountain. Two problems though: there is a Beetle Boom on and all the beetles try to charge and knock over Mushables, and Lilit has always wanted to see an egg hatch so secretly drags her feet... (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Fly, Chase, Fly. Chep is disappointed Mush-Mush and Lilit are too busy leaf-gliding to play moss-ball with him, so he hangs out with a new weevil friend instead. But Chep's new friend must migrate with all the other weevils -Except he doesn't know how to fly! Chep must teach him to fly while overcoming his own secret fear of heights. (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Oh My Compost. When Sushi-Mushi breaks the only spoon he has ever cooked with, he declares his cooking days are over! So Mush-Mush and friends step up to cook for everyone instead, how hard can it be? It turns out, very! The Mushlers will have to convince Sushi-Mushi he's still the best compost chef, even without his favorite spoon! (15 min)

01:40 01:50

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Snails Forever. Chep wants to return a favour to Mush-Mush, but all Mush-Mush wants is to have a compost pancake on Pancake Day! But when the Food Snail falls for, and takes off after, the Travel Snail, Pancake Day has to be cancelled. Chep sees an opportunity to save the day for his friend! But er, how do you solve a snail falling for another? (10 min)

01:50 02:00

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Lunar New Year. The crew celebrates the Lunar New Year and Bugs and Lola go missing during the Lion Dance. (10 min)

02:00 02:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Splash Zone. Mayor Foghorn Leghorn hires The Looney Builders to build a giant water slide for Looneyburg’s waterpark. He keeps adding onto the design with the support of Bugs until problems arise. (10 min)

02:10 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Rock On. The Looney Builders are hired by Mac and Tosh Gopher to build them a home underground. Daffy can’t remove rocks from the area fast enough and fails to ask for help. (15 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Buzz In. Bizzy Buzzard’s mom hires The Looney Builders to build her family a new nest. Bizzy wants to help but keeps getting in the way creating all sorts of problems for the crew. (10 min)

02:35 02:55

Bugs Bunny Builders

Snow Cap. Pauleen Penguin hires The Looney Builders to build her a home in Looneyburg. Lola soon discovers they got the design wrong and the crew has to make adjustments. (20 min)

02:55 03:05


Ace in the Hole. When a group of alley dogs, aided by a heroic stray, are saved from Catwoman by kind-hearted Buff, he brings them all back to live in the Batcave, unbeknownst to the rest of the Bat-Family. (10 min)

03:05 03:20


Batty Body Swap. After agreeing to swap motherboards and change bodies, the Batwheels have to quickly learn to “drive a mile in each other’s wheels” in time to stop the approaching Legion of Zoom! (15 min)

03:20 03:30


A Jet Out of Water. After refusing to practice with her new underwater mode, Batwing is unable to save Batman from Penguin's sunken ship trap. The Batwheels must help Wing practice her submersible skills before she can save the day. (10 min)

03:30 03:40


Bibi's Bad Day. Bibi has a terrible no-good day after she keeps messing up and lets Joker get away. She doesn’t think he can help Batgirl anymore, but a “bad today” doesn’t mean it’ll be a “bad tomorrow". (10 min)

03:40 03:50


Mechanic Panic. When Jestah injures herself preparing for an extreme sports competition with the other Zoomers, Bibi helps her overcome her fear of going to the mechanic so she can heal up in time to compete. (10 min)

03:50 03:55

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Lunch Break. Porky tries to eat his sandwich but keeps getting interrupted by the crew who need his help. (5 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Sonata in Bear Major. Grizzy wants to get rid of the old piano in the garage at any cost, for the Lemmings love using it to make a dissonant racket. But when he happens to notice that the she-bear he's in love with likes the melody of "Für Elise" he decides to learn the learn the piece like a real pro. (10 min)

04:05 04:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Fractions. The Lemmings inherit a crate that fell off a Canadian army convoy transporting ultra-secret material. The case inside the crate emits a sort of laser beam that divides objects into multiple miniaturized versions of themselves. What if the Lemmings had to deal with lots of mini-Grizzys rather than just one big one? (5 min)

04:10 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings

The Bear That Laid Golden Eggs. Near the supermarket, a machine hands out surprise eggs in exchange for a coin. Amongst the lots to be won, there is a super firework rocket that makes the Lemmings dream, and a piece of costume jewelry that Grizzy imagines himself giving to his lady-love. (10 min)

04:20 04:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Crash Training Course. At the Ranger's home, Grizzy finds a high-tech gadget that enables you to learn anything at all sewing, origami, Kung Fu, etc... within only seconds thank to electrodes hooked to the brain. He can now become the perfect bear! But first, he first needs a program to learn how to get rid of the Lemmings. (5 min)

04:25 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

As Far as Bear Can Remember. An old metal box found by chance in a recess of a cliff brings back childhood memories for Grizzy and the Lemmings. (10 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Chemical Lemmings. How can one peacefully watch a documentary on salmon fish, nice and comfy on the sofa, when the Lemmings are playing chemistry novices with a fun experiment box? By confiscating their equipment? Beware of side effects. (5 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Remote Control. Grizzy's TV remote control is stolen by a partridge who collects high-tech objects in his nest perched high up in a tree. This is a case of absolute urgency! Grizzy has no other choice but to requisition the Lemmings propulsion game to recover his possession. But try and make a Lemming understand that! (5 min)

04:45 04:50

Grizzy and The Lemmings

The Bear and the Butterfly. Grizzy has got it into his head to offer a butterfly to the she-bear he's in love with. But the Lemmings fight with him over the rare specimens he's spotted, for they want to play helicopter. The butterfly hunt is on! (5 min)

04:50 05:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXV

Confetti Car Kerfuffle (10 min)

05:00 05:05

Mighty Mike

Fluffystein. While Mike is distracted by flirting with Iris, the raccoons sneak into the house and begin mixing up a foul concoction in the kitchen. They spill the mixture everywhere and an unsuspecting Fluffy laps it all up. Poor Fluffy is instantly transformed into a psychotic ball of chaos. Fluffy has just become the raccoon's worst nightmare. Mike and the raccoons are going to have to join forces to defeat the ferocious feline. (5 min)

05:05 05:10

Mighty Mike

Muscle Mike. If only Mike were a little bit more muscular, Iris would definitely look at him in a new light. At least that's what he tells himself when he sees Stephan's new workout bench. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. First, Mike needs to learn how to use it and the turtles and the racoons are doing everything they can to make the task more difficult. Muscles are one thing. Bruises are another. (5 min)

05:10 05:25

Mighty Mike

Photobombed. Louise snaps a photo of Mike while they play a game together. The only problem is that Mike looks absolutely ridiculous in it. There's no way Mike can ever let Iris see it and he's going to do everything he possibly can to prevent the photo from falling into the wrong hands, but the raccoons have other ideas. (15 min)

05:25 05:30

Mighty Mike

The Garden Games. The turtles organize a sports contest and whoever wins gets a special trophy. Iris volunteers a reluctant Mike to take part in the games. Mercury joins in so he doesn't miss out on the fun. Mike's going to have to step up his game if he has any chance of beating Mercury, but he's not the only one who wants the trophy. Freddy has his eyes on it and he's not afraid to break the rules to get it. (5 min)

05:30 05:40

Mighty Mike

Vampire Attack. The weather is miserable so Mike decides to stay in and catch up on his reading. However the book he's reading on Vampires is scarier than he bargained for. Pretty soon he's jumping out of his seat at every noise and squeak. When the racoons break in to the house try and raid the refrigerator for some rainy day snacks Mike decides to use his newfound knowledge of vampires to scare the pesky thieves right out of the house. (10 min)

05:40 05:45

Mighty Mike

In The Box. Mike has his work cut out for him when Stephan leaves a beautiful gift for his wife on the counter and goes to work for the day. The pesky raccoons decide to help themselves while the turtles fire up a huge game of Ice Hockey in the house and Fluffy also has eyes on the gift. Mike will need to pull out all the stops if he's going to rescue the gift from all the chaos. (5 min)

05:45 06:00

Mighty Mike

That Magnificent Mike. It's Iris's birthday and Mike wants to surprise her with a special party. Balloons, gifts, Piňata, the works! Everything has been perfectly planned but the relentless raccoons decide to crash the party and steal all the candy. The racoons discover the helium tank Mike used to blow up the balloons... taking the battle between Mike and the racoons up into the sky. (15 min)

06:00 06:10


Buff's BFF. When Buff befriends Mr. Freeze’s snowcrawler Snowy, the other Batwheels bristle at the thought of hanging out with a “bad guy…” so Buff sets out to change their minds. (10 min)

06:10 06:25


Bibi's Do-Over. Everyone is ecstatic when Bibi, Batgirl, and Robin capture Toyman and his Do-Over remote – except for Bibi, who failed to stick the landing on a big jump. Unwilling to accept her failure, Bibi uses Toyman’s Do-Over remote until she perfects her jump! (15 min)

06:25 06:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Save That Tree. Bean is showing Irma his favourite tree in the park one day when he discovers a tree surgeon getting ready to cut it down. He darts up the tree and won’t come back down. Irma loves this new side of Bean-ey! The tree surgeon is frustrated and tries various ploys to get Bean down. But can Bean make it to the toilet without being discovered and still save that tree? (15 min)

06:40 06:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

For Sale. Mrs. Wicket is persuaded by a jaunty estate agent to put her house up for sale. Bean is distraught – where will he live? Not Mrs. Wicket’s problem. Bean decides to hi-jack the sales process in order to deter all potential buyers – even if it means turning the whole house upside down! (15 min)

06:55 07:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

In the Service of His Majesty. When he brandishes a native american scepter that the Lemmings brought home with other antique objects, Grizzy sees the Lemmings bow low before him and behave like servants. One of them has escaped the spell, but he will have to confront both Grizzy and his fellow creatures in order to recover the scepter and reverse the spell. (10 min)

07:05 07:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Art. Grizzy tries to impress the she-bear that he's in love with by making a sculpture of her from a piece of wood. But as soon as the artist's back is turned, the Lemmings gnaw at the work of art in order to transform it into a toboggan slide. Grizzy must succeed in getting rid of the Lemmings without his model realizing what's going on. An Art in itself! (5 min)

07:10 07:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Happy Birthday Lemmings! The Lemmings throw a surprise birthday party for one of the clan. When "Happy Birthday" rings out, the surpriiiiiise! is as great for Grizzy, who is trying to take a nap after a hearty meal, as it is for the birthday Lemming hero in question. From that point on, Grizzy has only one objective: stop the din, which is not at all helping his migraine headache. But for the Lemmings, the party must go on at any price. (5 min)

07:15 07:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Flower Power. A gust of wind sweeps away the flower that Grizzy's adored she-bear wears in her hair. Grizzy sees this as a golden opportunity to dazzle her by bringing it back. But the Lemmings, who are riding on the back of a bucking caribou, realize that the flower makes their mount sneeze, which only makes the game ten times more fun! (15 min)

07:30 07:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Teleportation's the Way to Go! Grizzy finds two identical vases that are actually communicating vessels in a Native American Indian chest. If he sticks his hand in one, it comes out the other, between them. This should satisfy Grizzy's natural lazy streak, regardless of the distance unless the Lemmings realize the incredible games they could play with the magic vases. (10 min)

07:40 07:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Countdown. Grizzy finds a vintage stopwatch in the garage which lets you wind back the minute that has just passed by and it can even stop time and movement in one's surroundings. This will give him a sure advantage over the Lemmings, provided of course they don't get their hands on it. (5 min)

07:45 08:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Airlines. Grizzy is disturbed in the middle of his TV snack by a strange flow of incongruous objects that have been transformed into hot-air balloons. When he sees the Lemmings onboard these curious zeppelins, Grizzy understands that he will quickly have to confiscate their helium tank and balloons if he wants to relax in front of the TV. (15 min)

08:00 08:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Tweety-Go-Round. Tweety leads The Looney Builders in building a new merry-go-round at the park for the kids. His crane breaks down and his small size affects his ability to contribute to the build. (10 min)

08:10 08:20

Bugs Bunny Builders

Stories. The Looney Builders are hired by Hoots Talon to expand and paint the old library. They enlist master painter Sylvester who faces his fear of heights with his build buddy, Tweety. (10 min)

08:20 08:30

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Car Wash. Lola leads the crew in washing their vehicles only to discover she mixed up the job assignments. (10 min)

08:30 08:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Little Twin. When Jessica meets another kid at the park with an identical look as her, the two quickly form an unbreakable bond. (10 min)

08:40 09:00

Jessica's Big Little World

Spike the Hedgehog. When Jessica pet sits Stanleigh’s hedgehog, she has to think on her feet. (20 min)

09:00 09:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Double Trouble. Mr. Bean is over the moon when he meets Mr. Pod because both men have so much in common; same shirt, jacket, trousers and underpants. And to top it all, Pod is Bean’s spitting image! Bean falls to Earth with a bump, though, when his girlfriend, Irma Gobb, finds Mr. Pod much better looking than him. (10 min)

09:10 09:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Home Movie. Mr Bean is unimpressed with a horror movie he sees at the cinema and reckons he can do much better. Bean sets out to create his very own home movie masterpiece –featuring Mrs Wicket Irma and Teddy! The screening in the garden is a huge success but will Mrs Wicket be pleased with her makeover and starring role? (15 min)

09:25 09:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Fish Sitting. Mr Bean has to look after Mrs Wicket’s pet goldfish while she is away. With a ravenous Scrapper sniffing around Bean ends up becoming more bodyguard than babysitter. But when he manages to lose his fishy friend Mr Bean takes a nightmare journey down the sewer and back to his neighbour’s house via the park. Can Mr Bean get the pesky pet back in the bowl before Mrs Wicket returns home? (10 min)

09:35 09:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

The Cruise. Mr Bean wins two tickets for an exotic cruise and naturally he takes Teddy along for the trip of a lifetime. Once aboard the huge ocean liner Mr Bean soon settles into a life of luxury but while showing off to a new friend Bean becomes ‘man overboard’ and stranded on a dessert island. The hungrier he gets the wilder he becomes and desperate to find a way off the island. (20 min)

09:55 10:00

Lucas the Spider

Big Jumping Spider. Lucas performs epic jumps all around House. Findley is nervous and wishes Lucas wouldn’t jump. (5 min)

10:00 10:10

Lucas the Spider

Ghost Camp. When Lucas and friends go camping, Avocado tells a scary story. Lucas now thinks there’s a ghost in the garden. (10 min)

10:10 10:15

Lucas the Spider

Boo. Lucas loves to give his friends a scare on Halloween. (5 min)

10:15 10:30

Lucas the Spider

Never Boop a Robot. When Lucas boops a robot, he and his friends are chased around House! (15 min)

10:30 10:40

Alice & Lewis II

The Starry Lake. Alice, Lewis and the young star, Stella, are having the time of their lives down at the Starry Lake! But their rowdy playing wakes the Queen during her nap! She decides that the only way to get some peace and quiet is to empty the body of water! But Alice and Lewis aren’t going to stand by and let that happen: they decide to defend this location tooth and nail against the Queen and her Cards – the lake is the only place where the little star can come to regenerate. (10 min)

10:40 11:00

Alice & Lewis II

Gift Day. When Alice finds out that the King of Frostaland often gives presents to the Queen but never gets a single gift back, she persuades Lewis to add a new rule to the Big Book under the heading of “Gift Day.” As per this new decree, anyone who receives a present on this particular day must give an even nicer one back to the person who gave it. Taking this very literally and seeing it as a competition, the King and Queen soon get into an “outmatching match,” even going so far as to gift each other their respective castles! Unable to reverse it, the Queen has no choice but to set up residence in Frostaland while the King moves in to her abode! (20 min)

11:00 11:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Prints. Grizzy gleefully discovers that he can print images taken with the ranger's camera which is connected to a state-of-the-art printer. He decides to immortalize and frame himself, but when the time comes to print his portrait, there's no more paper in the printer. The Lemmings have thrown themselves heart and soul into the regressive pleasure of paper airplanes. (5 min)

11:05 11:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Inspector Grizzy. A van pulls up to the ranger's cabin to deliver a full crate of jars of chocolate spread. While Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over a wrecking bar to open it, someone steals the crate. Grizzy and the Lemmings will have to carry out an investigation to find the trail of their treasure. (5 min)

11:10 11:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

No Entrance! Like usual, Grizzy picks the door of the Ranger's log cabin to come in and make himself comfortable, but this time it's impossible to enter! The Lemmings have requisitioned the cabin for a party and barricaded themselves inside. Grizzy has no intention of waiting for an invitation to find a way to get in. (15 min)

11:25 11:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemmings Indigestion. The Lemmings have got their hands on a pack of white beans which have very strange properties: when mixed with soda, anyone who eats them turns into a bouncing ball. Grizzy realizes that if he wants to take a nap, he must first get rid of the magic beans. (5 min)

11:30 11:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Sonata in Bear Major. Grizzy wants to get rid of the old piano in the garage at any cost, for the Lemmings love using it to make a dissonant racket. But when he happens to notice that the she-bear he's in love with likes the melody of "Für Elise" he decides to learn the learn the piece like a real pro. (10 min)

11:40 11:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

The Bear That Laid Golden Eggs. Near the supermarket, a machine hands out surprise eggs in exchange for a coin. Amongst the lots to be won, there is a super firework rocket that makes the Lemmings dream, and a piece of costume jewelry that Grizzy imagines himself giving to his lady-love. (5 min)

11:45 12:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXVI

Train School: The Team-Up Cleanup. Faced with a mess at Brendam Docks, Thomas and friends figure out a new take on teamwork. (15 min)

12:00 12:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cheddar Days. The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day. (10 min)

12:10 12:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Blast Off. When Marvin the Martian crash lands in Looneyburg, he’s in a hurry to leave and hires The Looney Builders to build him a spaceship. (15 min)

12:25 12:35

Jessica's Big Little World

Little Twin. When Jessica meets another kid at the park with an identical look as her, the two quickly form an unbreakable bond. (10 min)

12:35 12:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Spike the Hedgehog. When Jessica pet sits Stanleigh’s hedgehog, she has to think on her feet. (20 min)

12:55 13:00

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Anger Mismanagement. Inside the house, Tom and Jerry get into a full-on brawl. Steam comes out of their ears as they face off. Just then, Ginger and Rick walk in, grab both by the scruff of their necks, and says they have to learn to deal with their anger. Ginger shoves a copy of an anger management book at them. Spike and Tom both roll their eyes but agree to make an effort. (5 min)

13:00 13:10

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Vampire State. On the edge of the village of Catsylvania, a bat snatches up Tom by his tail. He is carried off to a castle in the mountains and emerges in a full Dracula cape and fangs. The real Dracula appears and demands a snack. Tom swoops down on a tiny mouse village, scaring the villagers and carrying off a few. An angry mob with torches and rakes call on Jerry Van Mouseling to go rescue their kin. (10 min)

13:10 13:20

The Tom and Jerry Show III

It Ain't Over Until the Cat Lady Sings. When Kitty Caterwaul goes missing the night before the opening of her new musical, "Kitty Foiled," her agent begs Tom and Jerry to take on the case. The search leads the detectives backstage, where they encounter chaos and no shortage of people who could have had a motive. Will the clues lead them to a culprit much closer to home? (10 min)

13:20 13:30

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Eggstra Credit. Tom and Jerry awake to the smell of eggs being cooked in the kitchen – Ginger and Rick are making breakfast courtesy of their neighbor's fresh eggs. Ginger and Rick talk about how their new neighbor has a suburban henhouse and is raising their own produce. Tom and Jerry team up to target the henhouse for a heist, but it's easier said than done. (10 min)

13:30 13:35

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Costume Party Smarty. As Rick and Ginger prepare for a costume party, Tom tries to score some snacks. Jerry and Tuffy are out to do the same. Spike and Tom are initially confused by the guests' costumes. Determined to get their paws on as much party food as they can, however, they contrive their own costumes to crash the party. Will they get away with it? (5 min)

13:35 13:45

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Battle of the Butlers. Old Snelgrove, the senior butler, is retiring. There is an open backyard Olympics on the estate to see who will replace him. When the contestants in the field are narrowed down to Butch and Tom, what will the final outcome be? (10 min)

13:45 14:00

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Kid Stuff. A little baby goat butts his head through a distant wall of the estate and starts nibbling the grass. At first, he helps Tom with the yardwork but then causes chaos throughout the manor. Tom and Jerry are left to deal with the kid. (15 min)

14:00 14:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Valuable Lessons. Mr Bean helps Mrs Wicket collect up all her money together after she witnesses a robbery. With all her cash safely locked in a bank vault Mrs Wicket suddenly finds she has a new admirer but Mr Bean doesn’t trust this smooth operator one bit. With wedding bells ringing Mr Bean races against time to solve the mystery and save Mrs Wicket…and her money. (10 min)

14:10 14:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Halloween. Mr Bean loves Halloween and prepares to give the neighbourhood kids some tricks and treats they won’t forget. But when Mr Bean gets carried away with his spooky pranks he becomes the target of even more fiendish tricks from his neighbours the Bruisers. (15 min)

14:25 14:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Bean Painting. Mr Bean is painting a picture of Teddy when he accidently squirts some green paint onto his brown wallpaper. Oh no! Bean needs to redecorate his room fast but ends up painting all the walls a garish lime green instead of brown. He’s so terrified of Mrs Wicket finding out that when he goes to bed he has some very weird nightmares – with a rather sickly ending. (10 min)

14:35 14:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Wrestle Bean. Mr Bean is no fan of wrestling. But he’s promised to take Mrs Wicket and her friend Mrs Wince to a big wrestling match in town. Bean finds himself lost backstage at the stadium and accidentally wanders through a door and straight into the wrestling ring where he finds himself up against Side Kick Rick. More by luck than talent Bean wins the match – only to find that now he has to fight the terrifying Bruise Force. (20 min)

14:55 15:00

Lucas the Spider

A Sting in the Tale. Maizie accidentally stings Lucas's butt. This is a shock to them both, but Maizie takes it the hardest. (5 min)

15:00 15:05

Lucas the Spider

Tongue Twister. When Bodhi’s tongue gets hurt, it’s up to Dr. Lucas to help. (5 min)

15:05 15:15

Lucas the Spider

Sleeping Dogs. Lucas and Findley discover a cake, and they try to keep Avocado asleep so everyone can have some. (10 min)

15:15 15:30

Lucas the Spider

Skunked. Avocado gets skunked. Thankfully, Lucas helps her laugh at the situation. (15 min)

15:30 15:40

Alice & Lewis II

A Laughing Matter. The Queen is unveiling a new statue of herself, in great pomp and circumstance, but nobody is paying any attention: they’re too busy getting entertained by a very comedic King. Green with envy, the Queen tries to crack a joke of her own… but no-one so much as snickers! Seriously miffed, she outlaws laughing in Wonderland and arrests anyone who dare so much as smile! In an attempt to lift this sad decree, Alice & Lewis do everything in their power to restore the Queen’s appetite for laughter. (10 min)

15:40 16:00

Alice & Lewis II

The Perfect Suspect. The Queen’s throne has mysteriously gone missing! Convinced that her niece is responsible for it, the Queen commissions Alice and Lewis to find proof of the girl’s guilt. Fearing the Queen’s wrath, Lewis goes out of his way to try and find incriminating evidence against Dinah while Alice does all she can to prove the teen’s innocence! (20 min)

16:00 16:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Underwater Star. Moxie Manatee hires The Looney Builders to build an obstacle course for the Sandy Shells Preschool Games, but Lola isn’t listening to her crew. (10 min)

16:10 16:30

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cheddar Days. The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day. (20 min)

16:30 16:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Sleepover. Jessica has a sleepover at her grandparents’ house and must survive the night without her plush toy, Small Uncle. (10 min)

16:40 16:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Family Photo. When the family has to dress up for a family photo, Jessica decides to express herself. (15 min)

16:55 17:05

The Tom and Jerry Show

Haunted Mouse. Tuffy hires detectives Tom and Jerry to investigate the ghost hauntings in his house. At first Tom and Jerry think it's just his imagination but discover that the house seems haunted. They find out it's a rat who wanted to chase Tuffy out so he could live there with his family but is ok with sharing the home. (10 min)

17:05 17:25

The Tom and Jerry Show

Tom-Foolery. Butch tricks Tom into switching places with him and sends Tom off to live the life of a street cat. Butch finds out that living Tom's cushy life isn't what it seems when Jerry makes his life difficult and Ginger's doting is humiliating. Tom finds that living off the street is tricky and difficult. They very quickly switch back to the way it was. (20 min)

17:25 17:35

The Tom and Jerry Show

Here's Looking A-Choo Kid! When it seems like Spike has developed an allergic reaction to Tom Rick buys Ginger a hypoallergenic cat named Glory. (10 min)

17:35 17:40

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Squeaky Clean. Fed up with Tom's cat hair, Rick buys the "Suck-Up," a next level Roomba-like cleaner. The Suck-Up patrols the house and cleans nonstop. At first, Tom enjoys the little modern mechanical marvel using it to clean Jerry out of house and home! But when the self-programming machine turns on them both and takes over the house -- Tom and Jerry team up to defeat it. (5 min)

17:40 18:00

The Tom and Jerry Show

Superfied. Dr. Bigby creates cookies that can give animals superpowers. Jerry and Napoleon sneak some cookies and they have fun terrorizing Tom an alley cat who has broken in to eat them. The tables are turned when Tom gets his hands on the cookies. (20 min)

18:00 18:10


Improvise My Ride. When Buff's trusty winch is knocked out of action by Poison Ivy, he must learn to improvise and come up with creative solutions on the fly. (10 min)

18:10 18:25


Dynamic Du-Oh-No. When Snowy and Jestah team up to execute a mysterious plan involving rare freeze-berries, Batwing and Buff pair up to take on the dastardly duo, but Batwing decides to carry out the mission herself, putting both her and Buff at risk. (15 min)

18:25 18:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Ctrl+Alt+Bear. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a super-secret Canadian Army prototype which resembles a simple computer keyboard. It has only several command keys: select, cut and paste, and delete, but the keys act directly on surrounding elements... as well as on living beings! (10 min)

18:35 18:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Lemming Bowling. The Lemmings are having a blast with a bowling game they found in the Ranger's storeroom. Grizzy hastens to destroy the pins to ensure his peace and quiet. But the Lemmings discover a remote-control device that can modify the ball's weight. By setting it on maximum, the ball could knock over much more than pins: furniture, a bear and even a log cabin! (5 min)

18:40 18:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Mushroom Hunt. After the rains, to the great delight of the Lemmings, strange bouncing mushrooms have sprouted in the yard. To put an end to the Lemmings' noisy games - which prevent Grizzy from enjoying his peace and quiet - Grizzy tramples the mushrooms. Only to realize that each crushed mushroom frees a cloud of spores that instantly creates... a bunch of identical mushrooms. (15 min)

18:55 19:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Flying Bear. The Lemmings have laid hand on special magnets which turn any object they are stuck to into flying objects. Grizzy bears the consequences and is ejected out of the cabin on his couch, which has turned into a flying-couch. Upon landing, Grizzy discovers by chance that the magnet stuck to his forehead enables him to fly like Peter Pan. (5 min)

19:00 19:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Big Top Bear. With a lion-tamer's whip, a sugar bowl and lots of work, the Lemmings have successfully trained a caribou to go through their obstacle course. Grizzy cannot help but admire the performance. He decides to steal their idea, and the caribou, to create his own circus act and impress his lovely she-bear. (10 min)

19:10 19:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Electro Ranger Lemming. Grizzy happens onto the electronic version of the "Ranger Lemming" toy which is capable of reproducing the movements one teaches it, like a smart robot. Grizzy immediately grasps the potential of a robot that could perform chores with rapidity and precision, but the Lemmings would rather teach it to dance. (5 min)

19:15 19:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Repellent. The Ranger's cabin is equipped with an ultra-effective pest detector capable of sensing the presence of an intruder, then chasing it out by emitting a wave that instructs the creature's brain to leave at once. Grizzy and the Lemmings are no longer able to stay inside, until they discover that the box's remote-control device allows you to select which type of animal will be spared or targeted by the wave. (15 min)

19:30 19:40

Alice & Lewis II

A Laughing Matter. The Queen is unveiling a new statue of herself, in great pomp and circumstance, but nobody is paying any attention: they’re too busy getting entertained by a very comedic King. Green with envy, the Queen tries to crack a joke of her own… but no-one so much as snickers! Seriously miffed, she outlaws laughing in Wonderland and arrests anyone who dare so much as smile! In an attempt to lift this sad decree, Alice & Lewis do everything in their power to restore the Queen’s appetite for laughter. (10 min)

19:40 20:00

Alice & Lewis II

The Perfect Suspect. The Queen’s throne has mysteriously gone missing! Convinced that her niece is responsible for it, the Queen commissions Alice and Lewis to find proof of the girl’s guilt. Fearing the Queen’s wrath, Lewis goes out of his way to try and find incriminating evidence against Dinah while Alice does all she can to prove the teen’s innocence! (20 min)

20:00 20:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Bean Encore. The Great Eduardo violinist supreme is in town and Irma wants to go to the concert. But Bean won’t pay for the tickets. More than that he claims that he can play the violin better. Now he has to prove it. After a lot of painful sawing even Eduardo can’t bear the noise. He offers to teach Bean who ends up replacing him in the concert! (10 min)

20:10 20:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Mobile Home. Miss Wince takes Mrs. Wicket off on holiday in her brand-new swanky caravan; and Bean is left behind. But never one to let a setback knock his confidence he decides to build his own caravan and sets off in search of the perfect ‘quiet spot’. All would be well if he’d only not built the caravan out of Mrs. Wicket’s garden shed … (15 min)

20:25 20:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Haunted House. Mr. Bean is trying to impress some kids in the park with his football skills but winds up kicking their ball into a dilapidated scary-looking house. He has to go in and get it back. A feral cat living inside decides to steal Teddy and in the chase around the insides of the house Bean manages something not even a wrecking ball can do. (15 min)

20:40 20:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Eau De Bean. Mr. Bean accidentally spills all of Mrs. Wicket’s new expensive perfume on the floor. In an attempt to hide his crime and refill the empty bottle he tries to recreate the smell – by adding all sorts of odd and strange ingredients. He might be able to fool Mrs. Wicket but can he fool Scrapper and all the neighbourhood cats? (15 min)

20:55 21:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Northern Lights. Exasperated by the Lemmings who prevent him from watching his favorite TV show in peace, Grizzy catapults them out of the cabin. One of them passes through the northern lights and undergoes a strange mutation: he now has the power to control metal with his mind. (10 min)

21:05 21:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Tick Tock Bear. A strange new object figures prominently in the cabin: a big wall clock that resembles a Swiss cuckoo. Grizzy instantly falls in love with the regular "tick-tock," which comforts and soothes him. But when the hands strike noon, figurines come out and perform a song and dance with a flourish. The Lemmings notice that by turning the hands of the clock manually, it can be noontime every two seconds. (5 min)

21:10 21:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Dreams On Command. Woken with a start by a nightmare filled with Lemmings, Grizzy stumbles on the Ranger's dream machine. It's a headphone set where you can program the theme of your choice before falling asleep within seconds for a night filled with sweet dreams. But who could possibly sleep soundly surrounded by Lemmings who want their fair share too? (15 min)

21:25 21:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Elementary Lemmings. Grizzy happens onto an old American India medallion bearing the symbol of the wind. He who wears it has the power to command air streams. Grizzy would be quite content to never leave the sofa again and control things from a distance, but the Lemmings want it to create fantastic new games that literally blow you away. (5 min)

21:30 21:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Sitter. A magic horn lands on the muzzle of a moose, endowing it with grace and the ability to fly. It soars off, leaving a rainbow-colored streak in its wake. When Grizzy sees this strange creature, he dreams of taming it as a gift for his beloved she-bear, while the Lemmings imagine themselves playing rodeo on a bucking unicorn. (5 min)

21:35 21:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Rainbow Moose. A magic horn lands on the muzzle of a moose, endowing it with grace and the ability to fly. Grizzy decided to catch him for impressing she bear while lemmings wants to play on it. (10 min)

21:45 22:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Radar Bear. The Lemmings have turned the cabin topsy-turvy and created an obstacle course to race through in a hamster ball. Grizzy intervenes and ousts both the Lemmings and their ball so that he can relax in peace. Unfortunately for him, he has tossed the Lemmings into a reserve of Zorb Balls, those giant inflatable spheres used to hurtle down slopes. (15 min)

22:00 22:10

Alice & Lewis II

Dodson's Predictions. In order to escape punishment, Dodson kids the Queen into believing he is able to read the future. Falling for his story, Queen names him “Great Fortune-Telling Dodo” and invites him to live in the castle. Dodson milks it, using his influence over the monarch to fulfill all his desires, even if it means relieving poor Lewis of his clockmaster duties! Luckily, Alice runs to her rabbit friend’s rescue. But how are they going to prove to the Queen that Dodson doesn’t actually have a single power and that he’s merely using her for his own benefit?! (10 min)

22:10 22:25

Alice & Lewis II

The "Werewolf Cactus". Lewis gets a shock when he wakes up one morning and sees all his carrots have been gobbled up overnight! To get to the bottom of it, Alice and Lewis call on the Police Card. Our two heroes accuse Dodson right off the bat: he seems to be the perfect suspect! But then discover the true culprit: a cactus that transforms into a “werewolf cactus” when night falls! And Alice and Lewis are in for a big surprise when they find out who is behind this famished creature! (15 min)

22:25 22:40

Alice & Lewis II

The Spirit of Adventure. Lewis is at the end of his rope: the Twins have set up home in his yard and have left the Cutie-Twees to their own devices, letting them wreak havoc in the poor rabbit’s house! Alice devises a stratagem to restore Twee Di and Twee Dum’s taste for adventure and travel. But little does she know they’re still recovering from their last expedition, which went seriously south! (15 min)

22:40 22:50

Alice & Lewis II

An Imaginary Injury. While Lewis prepares for the arrival of the Carrot-Grow Cloud (which will triple his carrot harvest), the King almost runs into him with his chariot! Luckily, the rabbit suffered more fear than pain, but the monarch is convinced he was badly affected by this accident! Wanting to do the right thing, he forces Lewis to rest and goes about pampering him. Our rabbit friend doesn’t dare contradict him. But the Carrot-Grow-Cloud is approaching, and, at this rate, the King is going to spoil everything! Alice decides to help her friend accomplish his harvesting mission and say ‘No’ to the King, without offending him… (10 min)

22:50 23:00

Lu & The Bally Bunch - Shorts

Talking About Taking Your Time. The bugs talk about taking their time. (10 min)

23:00 23:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Tweety-Go-Round. Tweety leads The Looney Builders in building a new merry-go-round at the park for the kids. His crane breaks down and his small size affects his ability to contribute to the build. (10 min)

23:10 23:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Stories. The Looney Builders are hired by Hoots Talon to expand and paint the old library. They enlist master painter Sylvester who faces his fear of heights with his build buddy, Tweety. (15 min)

23:25 23:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Smash House. The Looney Builders learn that Taz accidentally destroyed his house, so they set out to build him a new one that’s smash-proof. (10 min)

23:35 23:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Play Day. When the Looney Builders build themselves a playground, Daffy gets so excited about his section that he takes all the supplies for himself. (15 min)

23:50 00:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Game Of Stone. Chased by a raging elephant, Grizzy and the Lemmings are ejected from the cabin and land on a small nearby promontory. One of the rodents finds himself seated upon a throne-shaped boulder. A ray of sunlight illuminates him, and the savannah animals bow down before the Lemming king! But as soon as he leaves his royal seat, his powers disappear. Grizzy grabs the opportunity to plop down on the throne. Upon his orders, the other animals seek to provide him with every comfort, bringing the cabin, television and food closer. But the Lemmings put their feet down. (10 min)

00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Tam-Tam Lemming. Grizzy is brutally awakened by four Lemmings who are giving a grand percussion concert near the cabin, while the rest of the group dances to the rhythm. The grumpy bear puts an end to the festivities by propelling the Lemmings into the distance. When they land, they discover a magical djembe inside the trunk of a baobab tree. When the percussionists start playing again, the Lemmings and all the other wild animals are possessed by the demon of dance! (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Ice Madness! In the midst of a heat wave, Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the fridge. The rodents want to transform themselves into ice cubes to glide across their super curling ice slide, while Grizzy wishes merely to lie down inside the nice, cool appliance. After literally breaking the fridge in two, the Lemmings discover a container of refrigerant and create a new giant curling sheet in the savannah. But Grizzy has not given up the idea of resting in a cool spot! (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

In Your Dreams. Grizzy has gone all out for his dinner guest, the she-bear. But just as he is about to kiss her… Vroom! In the middle of a mad car race, the Lemmings wake him up with a jolt! Dragged out of his slumber and swept away upon a vehicle, Grizzy finishes the race in a daze. Not far away, the Lemmings find a mask that can control dreams. Once Grizzy gathers his wits, he wants only to get hold of the object and return to the she-bear of his dreams. But the Lemmings have other dreams, like high-powered racing cars. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Super-Voltaic Cabin. Grizzy watches a documentary on salmon, whereas the Lemmings want to dance it up in the garage, nightclub style. TV versus music, the sonic war has begun! When a cloud passes overhead, Grizzy realizes that their respective gadgets run on electricity provided by solar panels. No more sun, no more electricity! He devises a plan whereby he will be the only one to access the energy, but the Lemmings have not said their last word! (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

1 + 1 = 1. A confrontation between Grizzy and the Lemmings leads to a room in the castle tower. The bear accidentally sets off a mechanism and discovers a large medieval magic trunk. (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Jelly Lemmings. When the Lemmings spoil Grizzy's meal with their new game, the bear evicts them far from the cabin. (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Javelin Lemmings. The Lemmings are holding a log throwing competition that stops short when Grizzy sends them soaring into the distance. (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

A Frog Of A Problem. MM's favourite frog has had its home taken over by a lizard. Mushpot says not to interfere - nature must run its course. But Lilit feels so sorry for the frog she takes it back to Mushton where it causes havoc. Now our friends must lure the frog back to its home where it deals with the lizard itself. (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Fool The Forest. It's Fool The Forest Day when Mushables pull pranks, and MM has an epic one planned. But they spill Chanterelle's painting dye and instead must replace it by finding a rare Sloof beetle and milking it for its dye in front of everyone. Wait a minute! You can't milk a beetle! They've been pranked! (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Mushroomates. When ants invade Fung and Miff's tree, our Mushlers offer for them to move in... but the two quickly turn out to be unbearable roommates. So when Fung and Miff break their trampoline, our friends decide it's time for them to go back to their homes. But first they need to get rid of the ants... (15 min)

01:40 01:50

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Race The Beast. Mush-Mush and his friends are determined to win the bark sledge race, but their essential fourth team member drops out. Our friends ask Mushpot to step up from being their coach to racing with them. The Mushelder is reluctant at first but soon reveals the tough competitor he is! (10 min)

01:50 02:00

Meet the Batwheels

Faster. It's time to go, go, go with Batgirl's motorbike Bibi as she zigs and zags her way to victory in this high-energy music video - it doesn't matter if it's a stunt jump or a speeding supervillain, Bibi always gives it her all and then some! (10 min)

02:00 02:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Tweety-Go-Round. Tweety leads The Looney Builders in building a new merry-go-round at the park for the kids. His crane breaks down and his small size affects his ability to contribute to the build. (10 min)

02:10 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Stories. The Looney Builders are hired by Hoots Talon to expand and paint the old library. They enlist master painter Sylvester who faces his fear of heights with his build buddy, Tweety. (15 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Smash House. The Looney Builders learn that Taz accidentally destroyed his house, so they set out to build him a new one that’s smash-proof. (10 min)

02:35 02:55

Bugs Bunny Builders

Play Day. When the Looney Builders build themselves a playground, Daffy gets so excited about his section that he takes all the supplies for himself. (20 min)

02:55 03:05


To the Batmobile! When all of the Batwheels (except for Bam) mysteriously disappear, Bam enlists the help of A.D.A.M, the original Batmobile, to help save his friends. Along the way, Bam comes to appreciate the old-school mobile's different crimefighting style as they team up to take on the Legion of Zoom. (10 min)

03:05 03:20


Improvise My Ride. When Buff's trusty winch is knocked out of action by Poison Ivy, he must learn to improvise and come up with creative solutions on the fly. (15 min)

03:20 03:30


Dynamic Du-Oh-No. When Snowy and Jestah team up to execute a mysterious plan involving rare freeze-berries, Batwing and Buff pair up to take on the dastardly duo, but Batwing decides to carry out the mission herself, putting both her and Buff at risk. (10 min)

03:30 03:40


Sidekicked to the Curb. When Bam is sent to take on Prank, Redbird is forced to hang back because The Joker’s van is too dangerous! When Bam discovers that Redbird secretly tagged along, he’s upset… until Redbird bails him out of a tight spot. (10 min)

03:40 03:50


Bam's Upgrade. Feeling neglected after being passed over on missions, Bam asks MOE to install experimental upgrades to curry Batman's favor. But, when Bam's new powers are stronger than he can control, Batman – and the mission – are suddenly in danger! (10 min)

03:50 03:55

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Lemonade. Tweety spots a giant lemon in a tree and is determined to make lemonade for everyone. (5 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Get Off My Tennis Shoes. The Lemmings have discovered an addictive new game based on the astonishing bouncing properties of the ranger's new running shoes. Grizzy, who is trying to relax, confiscates the shoes and soon realizes they are far more comfortable than his thongs. (10 min)

04:05 04:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Babysitting. Grizzy babysits for the she-bear he has a crush on, who has entrusted him with the care of her cub. There's no question of Grizzy tripping up, for he has no intention of taking any risks! But he hadn't reckoned on the Lemmings. Captivated by the baby's burps after meals, they dream of making it drink gallons of soda pop to make it do the "Big One." (5 min)

04:10 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Under Lock And Key. Unwilling to share the food both he and the Lemmings are wild about, Grizzy locks it up inside the ranger’s brand new and apparently burglar proof safe. He watches the Lemmings’ vain attempts to open the safe with amusement, until he realizes that the string around his neck with the key is far from indestructible. (10 min)

04:20 04:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Blues. Grizzy is impressed by the TV show of a magician who transforms a partridge into a bouquet of flowers. To get rid of the Lemmings once and for all, for they exasperate him with their incessant games, Grizzy tries the magic trick on them. And apparently... it works! (5 min)

04:25 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Snow Lemmings. It's hot out and when Grizzy sees an ice cream commercial on TV, he has a sudden craving. Unfortunately, the Lemmings made it to the deep-freeze in the garage before him and emptied it out to make themselves a sled run in the backyard with strawberry-vanilla ice cream. For Grizzy, there's no question that the stock they possessively watch over in an icebox winds up as powder snow! (10 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Augmented Bear. The Lemmings have discovered a truly wild new game: an augmented reality program on the ranger's digital tablet. They move around the cabin watching the tablet screen, which displays obstacles as if they were really there. Grizzy confiscates this toy and becomes a fan of the salmon fishing game. (5 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemmings Under Pressure. The only edible food item left in the ranger's cabin is a gorgeous salmon... which is stuck inside a block of ice at the back of the freezer compartment. Starving, Grizzy decides to melt the ice with the blow-dryer. Only the Lemmings are already using it for their latest rocket game in the piping system. (5 min)

04:45 04:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemmings in Space. The Lemmings have unearthed a box filled with birthday (10 min)

04:55 05:00

Lu & The Bally Bunch - Shorts

Talking About Books. The bugs talk about books they love. (5 min)

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