Alice & Lewis II

13. 6. 2024, 22:00

High Definition, širokoúhlé

Abracada-Present. In order to get her confiscated skateboard back from the Queen (her aunt), Dinah must give her the “perfect gift.” Easy peasy: it just so happens that Lewis has a gift-making machine! Having said that, in order to manufacture the gift, the girl must use objects that match the Queen’s tastes. And since Dinah is in such a hurry to get her skateboard back, she neglects this fact, making the situation even worse. So much so that the Queen says she’ll keep the skateboard forever! But with Alice and Lewis’ help, Dinah learns more about her aunt, enabling her to come up with a gift the monarch really likes, and retrieve her precious skateboard as a result. (10 min)

In Season 2, Alice meets two newcomers to Wonderland: a generous but clumsy King (he’s everything the queen isn’t!) and Dinah, the queen’s niece, an endearing, rebellious character. Life is never boring for Alice & Lewis with these two around!

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