Alice & Lewis II

13. 6. 2024, 22:40

High Definition, širokoúhlé

The Olymp-Easter Games. It’s D-Day for the Olymp-Easter Games, a sports competition organized by the King every year, pitting the Queen and Dinah against each other in a battle to the last! This year, however, to lighten things up a bit, the King has decided to rethink the tournament and instead put the Queen and her niece on the same team, along with Alice and Lewis. Our little friends are going to have to rise above the tensions that reign between their two royal teammates in order to take on their formidable opponents – the Frostaland Penguins! (10 min)

In Season 2, Alice meets two newcomers to Wonderland: a generous but clumsy King (he’s everything the queen isn’t!) and Dinah, the queen’s niece, an endearing, rebellious character. Life is never boring for Alice & Lewis with these two around!

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